Monday, February 27, 2012

I'm Being Spoiled!

I am really feeling spoiled & blessed.  Another Huainan mom emailed me yesterday.  She met Maggie last summer when she was adopting her daughter.  My first reaction was "Seriously?  Last week I meet a mom who met Hope, now I'm meeting a mom who met Maggie???  Can this be true?  Can this be real?  These kind of things do not happen".

Well yes, it is true.  She had pictures.  At first I did not recognize Maggie.  She had her hair down, and was in the cutest dress.  All pictures we've seen she's had a ponytail and a heavy jacket on.  She looks so happy.  We can not wait to meet her & Hope.  Every glimpse that we see of them makes us love them even more.

Here is what this mom said about Maggie.  "she was an enchanting child,
teaching me a few Chinese words & getting me to tell her English ones. She was so bright & totally stole our hearts"

I can't wait to meet her!

Here are the pictures we received.  Isn't she beautiful???

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