Tuesday, April 2, 2013

First Easter for the Girls

The girls were excited. Easter was coming. BUT they did not know the real meaning about this day.  They thought the bunny was coming to give them eggs.  We kept telling them that this was the day Jesus woke up and went to heaven.  They would say "Ahhhh".  Then they would talk about the bunny.  We informed them that the bunny is us (did not want them going to middle school telling their friends the bunny brought them stuff).  They thought that was cool.  We went to church and they learned more about Easter.  Our day was so busy with family stuff that we came home, ate lunch, hid and found eggs and then Bill & I had to run out.  Later that night when we got home it was time to get everyone ready for bed.

Well last night the crucifixion was brought up again. And Maggie reenacted it.  She said "In China we watch on TV".  This surprised me.  They kept asking "why is Jesus a bad man?"  I kept saying "He's not a bad man. He loves us. He died for all of us so we could go to heaven".  Well that freaked Maggie out.  This started a 30-45 minute discussion on Jesus.  Why we love Jesus. Why he loves us.  Why did the bad people put him in the cross.  Where is he now?  etc.  THEN, they said "Mommy, Jesus told you to go to China to adopt?"  I said YES!  This is what I said:

"Mommy could not have any more babies in my tummy. So we prayed.  Jesus told us "Go to China to adopt Abby". So we did.  We were so happy.  We said no more babies.  Then Jesus said "Go to China to adopt Jadyn".  So we did.  We were happy. We said no more babies.  Then Jesus said "Go to China to adopt Ethan". So we did. We were happy. We said no more babies.  Then Jesus said "Go to China, adopt TWO older girls".  And we were scared.  But we listed to Jesus and we went to China and we adopted both of you.  We are happy.  And we are saying No More Babies".   Then they giggled.

They asked me "why you scared to adopt us?"  I told them "I was scared because you were older girls, not babies. I was scared that you would not want to come with us. I was scared that you would be mean to me. I was scared you would run from me."  They said "We were scared to come to America".  They said "Are you scared now mommy?"  I said "NO!  Are you scared now?"  They said "NO, we Happy!".

The talk went really well.  We are going to continue the conversation about Jesus because Hope is still confused. She does not get it unless she can see it.  I am SO happy that this talk is happening so early in their new life.  It's been less than 8 months and Jesus has been planted in their minds.  I am concerned to what they have been thinking though.  They thought Jesus was a bad man.  Did they think we were weird/bad people for praying to a bad man?

Please pray for us that we can clearly share the gospel to the girls in a way that they will understand.

I will leave you with some photos that we took after church on Sunday. Hope was great and wore a dress and did not put up a fight. She could not wait to take it off when we got home though so she was not too cooperative when taking the photos.  Thankfully you can't really tell that she was not cooperating. She smiled long enough to take the pictures and then she was DONE!  LOL

YES, we're crazy!  

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos! The girls are doing so well!
