Friday, September 21, 2012

Teacher Conference

Last night was conference night at the middle school.  So I contacted the girls 4 main teachers and requested a conference.  We were blessed to have a friend come over to watch the kids so Bill could go with me. I was so happy he came.

We met with their Social Studies teacher first.  She immediately said how wonderful the girls are.  She had very nice things to say.  She said they listen, they do their work, they try. She said the only "bad" thing she has seen was the other day. They had a school assembly in the gym.  And Hope was bored (can't understand anything they are talking about) so she picked her nose and made it bleed. So this teacher walked her to the nurse.  We told her some of the behaviors we experience at home, and this teacher said she has not seen any of these behaviors at school.  YAY!

Next was met their math teacher.  Oh my word this teacher is fired up with excitement over Hope. She said this kid can do math.  She said she wished Hope could speak English so she could teach the kids.  I told her that Hope said "teacher show me 1 time and I get it" and she totally agreed.  She said she passed out a test the other day and as she was giving directions (which the girls don't understand) Hope was doing her test and before she was finished with the directions Hope had done 3 math problems and they were correct.  Maggie is slower at the math. She's not getting it.  And we agreed.  So we need to figure out how to help Maggie understand.

Next was Language Arts (she is also their homeroom teacher).  Again, she was excited to have the girls in her class and said they are good, they sit in the front of the class and they listen and do their work.  She said that she told the class what an honor it is to have 2 kids who speak Mandarin in their class. Maybe the kids can learn from Hope & Maggie how to speak Chinese.  She also told the kids to introduce themselves to the girls to make them feel welcome. And she said the kids have been doing this.  Hope & Maggie are happy and she is excited to see them "grow" in their education.

Finally we met with their science teacher.  She immediately said something like "I don't know how to teach them. They don't understand.  So help me to know how to teach them". So, we told her to include them in everything, to just be normal and let them just copy the things off of the board. We did tell her how Hope got upset because we would not do her science homework for her.  And so we suggested she tell them it's not homework or just give them 1 or 2 problems to do (well really for us to do). She said she would.  she also said that the girls are good and she has caught them chatting and she just goes and says "girls, shh" and they immediately stop talking and pay attention.  This is the only teacher who said anything about Hope's "rocking" back & forth.

Every teacher said how much they like having them in their class. That the girls are good girls. They are impressed with how they are trying.  They said they smile all the time, tell everyone "HELLO!" And even gives people "high 5's" in the hallway.

They told us not to worry about their grades. They are not grading their tests.  And nothing will show up on the report card (meaning they will not fail).  We were told that they will not be given any standardized or state tests for a year.  So that is good.

Hope does not behave the way she does at home for the teachers.  Praise God!  They all say that she is eager to learn.  They can see how much she is trying.  They said Maggie is just now coming out of her "shy" shell and she is a joy to have in class.  OH, the math teacher did catch Maggie "cheating" off of another student's test. So she's tried to tell her that is not allowed.

We were happy to get such good reports.  Everyone at their school has been so helpful.  We saw the guidance counselor and she just went on and on with how wonderful they are doing.  I love that so many are looking out for our girls.  And that they are happy to have them in their class.  After talking to the teachers, I do feel that we are witnessing to these people about adoption and especially older child adoption.  They said this is the first time they have had students who have been in their classes who spoke NO English, and who's parents do.  Other students who have come speak Spanish but their family speaks Spanish.  So.....having 2 Chinese students who were adopted at an older age is new to everyone at the school. And they are impressed with how easy the girls have transitioned and how well they are doing.

We are happy the girls are happy. We are happy they are trying.  We are happy that they want to be at school.  OH, and the teachers said the kids have been amazing to Hope & Maggie.  Very nice to them and almost taking care of them.  PRAISE GOD!!!!


  1. Indeed - PRAISE GOD - this is so encouraging Debbie. I actually smiled as I was reading it. :-)

  2. Oh YAY!! Praise God things are going well at school! The girls really are adjusting well!!

  3. Sounds like a very good report from their teachers. Wonderful to hear. It's amazing how Hope was able to start working on the math before the teacher even finished explaining to the other children. Maybe Hope can help Maggie to understand.

  4. Science is the hardest subject for our older adopted kids, too....the academic language is hard to learn and comprehend...etc. We are praying for you guys. Have you gotten any tutors to help with homework, or are you and Bill doing all the tutoring? For me, that is the most tedious job of parenting the older adopted kids....having a tutor come in a few times a week to help with homework is a HUGE help for me! It is so good to hear your updates. We should talk on the phone in the near future! ( my cell died this weekend, so it will have to be after I get my new one! :-) )
    Hugs to you and your amazing family!!
