Monday, August 6, 2012


We left our hotel at 9 AM. Arrived by 9:15.  Waited for 45 minutes for the girls to arrive. They would not look at us.  They were scared.  They would not come to us when their director told them to.  Maggie was not happy.  Hope was just going with the flow.  Then the director left and the tears came hard.  Both of them cried.  It was hard.  Hope pushed us all away.  Maggie did not want to be touched but tolerated a rub on the shoulder.

We finished paperwork and then left.  We started to see smiles.  They were excited to get in the van.  We got to the hotel and they got big smiles. I do not think they've ever been on an elevator before. They were holding on.  They told Shelley that they have never been in a building so big.  When Shelley told them they would be eating breakfast on the 29th floor their eyes got so big.  Then when she said it moved slowly, the look of fear came over them.

We got in the room. They found the bathroom and they both had to use it.  Then they started looking at everything.  We were here 10 min and then left to get food at the supermarket.  That was scary. Because Hope grabbed everything she saw and threw it in the cart.  Maggie, being the little independent mother she is, was pushing the cart and picking some things she wanted.  They were getting a lot of junk and our guide was not really stopping them. Even when we said 'enough candy".  We checked out and Maggie had to put everything on the belt to ring up. Hope ran to the other line and grabbed more candy. When I took her hand to say "no" she put it under her shirt.  She is very active and going to be hard to take places.  We understand this is all new to her and she does not understand the concept of shopping.  She ran off once and we had to find her.  She was just so excited.

They do not like the clothes we bought.  Maggie said "NO" to the shorts.  Oh great!!!  Hope could care less.  They have looked at everything and gone through our luggage looking at everything.  All the while eating and eating and eating.

We are getting smiles.  We had fun throwing the beach ball around. Lots of giggles.  Maggie has a short attention span.  She is bored I think.  I also think she's tired because she has laid down in her bed but Hope won't lay down so I don't think she will sleep.

Please continue to pray.  I'm exhausted.  We skyped Tiff and my parents and that went well.  They are little parrots.  They repeat everything.  Hopefully they will pick up English easy.

I know so many have been waiting for an update.  We did not get back to the hotel until 1:30 PM.

Here are some photos.  We did not take many.


  1. thank you for the news and pictures.

  2. Just got woken up to a major thunder storm, so I decided to check up on you.

    The girls looked scared at first, but then they are all smiles with the sunglasses and while skyping.

    All these new things. You are not new to adoption, so you know it will take a bit of time for them to get used to things being done differently from what they are used to. Such a big difference from where they came from, so much to learn.

    Wishing you a better day and that each day gets easier.

    I'll be checking back every day.

    Hugs to all.

  3. Hi Debbie,

    It's so good to see the girls with you and Bill. Ahhh, those early days.... It's just downright HARD. Grace did not like her clothes either. She didn't like shorts and didn't want to wear anything sleeveless.

    I think it's great that the girls are already parroting English. Grace said NOTHING for almost 3 months. She wasn't unhappy, she just wouldn't use her English. I did notice that it can sometimes be harder for the children to use English when you bring 2 children home at once because they have each other to talk to in Chinese. I know with Grace and Charlie, Grace tried HARD to talk with Charlie in Mandarin, but Charlie was very language delayed and spoke a local dialect, so she didn't get far with that.

    Two can also be trickier when one seems to be doing "better" than the other. And the "very active" should get better as time goes on. It looks to me though, like you've had a very good and very normal first day, given the ages of the girls.

    Big hugs, and hang in there!

  4. Ok deep breath! Remember, these are all normal behaviors. I know that I know that I KNOW that you already know that but sometimes when you are in the thick of it it is hard to remember. You are doing a great job! They are totally freaked out right now but they will settle in! They've got an incredible family to show them the ropes and it will all fall into place. Hang in there!! Hugs to you my friend!!!

  5. Sounds like they are warming up quickly! They are going to have so much to experience when they come home and it will all be so exciting! And you are going to be one tired mama!!!! Lol :) I will be praying!

  6. Congratulations! Your girls are so beautiful! This part is so so hard, I know, but they adjust quickly. Makenna was a voracious eater too (and still is), and she also ate much more candy in China than I was comfortable with- but I just kept reminding myself that it's only for 2 short weeks, then at home I can start my "real life!" It looks like they are doing great. Can't wait to hear more! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Congratulations on your two newest miracles! I am so happy for you all!
    -Laura Parker
